My Sport Journal
A worldwide project of interactive sport journals created so far for 16 sports and offered in 6 different languages !
Our sport journals help athletes bring self-awareness, review past experiences with honesty and precision. While setting goals they learn to listen to their inner voice, analyze their emotions, learn more about themselves and build a sports growth mindset. This includes identifying patterns in training, emotions and performance.
Order our interactive training sport journal. Created to be fun, engaging and meaningful. Deepen your mental involvement and improve your performance in sport, to reach your goals !
You want a challenge? We improve your sport journal with a cartoon picture of you. You provide us with a picture and our team will cartoon you! Now you have to be honest because you are talking to yourself !
Pre-orderAR Technology
Our latest release! Enhance your home workouts with our augmented reality (AR) feature. Not sure how to do the exercise? Use your camera and see how on your journal an explanatory video appears!
Key benefits for athletes .
Achieve your sport and life successes with My Sports Journal !
What does the journal include ?
- Personal goal setting
- Space for personal photos
- Player card*
- Fan zone
- Skill & Life development wheel
- Training evaluation
- Emotional assessment
- Home workouts
- Overview of the training period
- Competition analysis
- Draw your program*
- Weekly positive questions
- Stress management tips*
- And more
Child's sport success formula .
- Talent
- Ability
- Physical training
- Technical training
- Fear
- Video games
- Distractions
- Laziness
- TV
- Aggression
- Depression
- Low Self-Esteem
- Passivity / Apathy
- Loss of ability to plan the future
- Feeling of happiness
- Satisfaction of accomplished goals
Order yours today !
We create, personalize and print on demand and depending on your location for faster delivery .