Sport journals now available in digital format 📱
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Science behind our sport journals!

We believe it is very important to conduct researches on the effect of our journals on different aspects of an athlete's development.

Objective: Is to explore the effect of sport journal on student athlete cognitive function and perceive physical literacy !

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Our professor .

Prof Raymond Kim-Wai Sum, more here

Dr. Raymond Sum’s career has been spent over 20 years as a researcher, primarily studying physical literacy and its application to different populations. He’s alarmed at the ways phones and other screens affect the spine and posture, calling it “a disaster for our health”, and hopes that use of these journals will lead to positive health outcomes. In January 2021, we have started a study with 300 students in Hong Kong who will use the journals.

“The journal is only a means, but the key is we want to explore student physical literacy. We want to understand how they perceive physical literacy and objective measures to track their cognitive function. After eight weeks of activity and training using this journal, we’ll test them so we can compare their pre-journal and post-journal progress”.

Dr. Sum is thrilled that multiple countries are now engaging with the journals. That they have been translated into six different languages, sharing the movement in over 10 countries and it is only the beginning! That is why the research is crucial for us!

Latest Research .

By Sportéco
3 min
Our research results from the Chinese University of Honk Kong
The objective of this research was to explore the effect of sport journal on student athlete cognitive function and perceive physical...

Let's work together .

We are open to conduct researches on any level on the benefits of using our journals. We are looking for clubs, associations, schools, universities and organizations that want to be part of our future researches.

Let’s help our athletes at deepening their mental implication!